Lemon Bay Highschool Graduation Project is a fundraiser for the graduation-party for the kids.
Project Graduation is an all night event for graduating seniors of Lemon Bay High School. It is a well supervised, drug and alcohol-free celebration held in a safe and secured environment. Project Graduation is held immediately following Lemon Bay High School Graduation Ceremony. The event is planned and hosted by the parents of graduating seniors along with community volunteers and parents of LBHS junior classman. The attendance and success of this event has grown each year, as has the need for volunteers and fundraising.
here we are in line for the barge across from Mainland to the Island... |
Table no. 101 - Me, Sharon, Dave og Persen |
Charity Homes, 43, acclaimed local poetess whose works have been published in seven countries, but never in the US, was murdered at the Poets Turntable meeting last night..."
Stakkars Seymour Lee lost his dear chopstic (showed up as the murderweapon!) |
The murder - Rose Prettel - she stole Seymours' chopstick and sharpened it with her own pruner! |
And my really smart husband got it, he knew it was Rose the florist and flower expert, she was afraid she would lose her flowershop, and Charity the dead poet had stolen some of Rose's poetries. We got information that Rose and Seymoure had had breakfast the morning before the murder, and she stole his chopstick, and sharpened it with her pruner.
We won the first price!!