(english below)

Her i Florida feirer man jul ca 1 dag, nemlig 1. juledag. Det vil si, de er jo sprø i en måned på forhånd, så man kan vel kanskje si at de feirer i flere uker til endes, med grand finale 1. juledag.
Vi var invitert til våre gode venner Stan og Joanne sammen med 2 andre par. Maten? Maten ja. Det var ikke snaut!
1 stor diger enorm
Roast Beef - altså Oksestek - de luxe på mange kilo...
1 stor diger enorm
Ham - altså Svinestek , men røyka og litt anderledes enn vår ..
tilbehøret spør du?
Macaroni and Cheese... glovarm rett fra ovnen
Mais-stuing.... (
Sharons Corn casserole) glovarm rett fra ovnen
Mashed potatoes ... glovarm rett fra gryta
Sharons Mashed sweet potatoes... glovarm rett fra ovnen
(red beets)... glovarme rett fra gryta
(peas) .... glovarme rett fra gryta
Pluss diverse brød. (
rolls and other good stuff from Joannes bakery)
Forrett spør du?? Jo.... Joannes hjemmelagete sopp og løksuppe . Kremet. Så god at du må ha til dessert og!
(Joannes mushroom and onion soup)Og hva forteller dette om det jevne Floridianske hjem?
Jo at ovnene er enorme!!!
Dessert? nei det var det ingen som ville ha - men Joanne hadde selvsagt bakt flere slag, som vi tok til pakkene. Pakkene...
yankee swap.En flott julefeiring i veldig avslappende omgivelser, hvor ingen forventer noe annet enn at man skal være mett og glad!
Fuglen spør du? Jo Hakke Hakkespett er jo i alle norske hjem på julaften. Her lever han i grapefrukt-treet!!
In Florida they celebrate christmas for one day - namely Christmas Day. Or should I say... these crazy americans, put out decorations and put on silly Santa-hats mid november, so, might be right to say they celebrates weeks of christmas! And the Grand Finale is Christmas Eve!Per and I, and 2 other couples were invited to Stan and Joanne for Christmas Dinner. The food was a story to tell in a huge book. Since I had to tell this to people from "Out-of-State" or should I say "Out-Of-US" - I had to spell it for them, but I know that the True Christmas Believers know about the minimum of 8 dishes on the table for a decent Christmas Dinner!
Roast Beef - so tender and perfect, should show the restaurants in the area!
Ham with glazeMacaroni and Cheese... so good you could die for it!
Sharons Corn casserole could kill for it!
Mashed potatoes ... all my friends know that I would kill for mashed potatoes too!
Sharons mashed sweet potatoes... have you once tried... you are sold
Red beets... wonderful colors especially toghether with...
The green peasJoanne started her baking 6 in the morning, and the result was lots of rolls and different breads.
Appertizer?? Ah forgot
! Joannes mushroom and onion soup. I want that recipe!Dessert? noooo... but we had christmas presents! We did the
yankee swap (might give you some pop-up) and we had lots of fun with it! Promised Sharon not to put out a picture of her new glasses.... but...
What a great christmas, thank you to Joanne and Stand for inviting us all, and to all the others for company! No stress, only lots of fun!
Woody Woodpecker??? He was there, in the grapefruit tree!